Welcome to our What's New page! Here we list events around the San Francisco Bay Area that are of interest to those who want to learn more about Judaism.
Fall 2024 Introduction to Judaism classes in the Bay Area
Judaism 101
Interested in understanding the fundamentals of Jewish faith and practice? If you’re new to Judaism or feel like Hebrew School left you with more than a few gaps, this is the class for you!
Sessions 1-3: Theology | Come explore the theologically pluralistic world of Jewish belief. We will explore four pre-modern theologies with the goal of developing our own faith.
Session 4-7: The High Holidays | We will study the fundamental ideas of the holidays along with a look at liturgy and practice.
Feel free to come for one section or the whole series!
Dates: Sundays, this class has already begun but just hop in!
Time: 11:25am – 12:30pm
Place: Kol Emeth, 4175 Manuela Avenue, Palo Alto and on Zoom.
Sign up and details here
Exploring Judaism: An Introduction
This course is organized around the three pillars of Judaism mentioned in the Mishnah: Torah, Prayer, and Acts of Loving Kindness/Social Justice. We also cover the Jewish calendar, Shabbat practice, and holidays. This class series welcomes beginners and all those looking to (re-)ground themselves in the basics of Judaism.
Dates: Sundays, Sept. 15, Sept. 29, Oct.13, Nov. 3, Nov. 17, and Dec. 15
Time: 9:45 - 11:15am
Place: Rodef Sholom, 170 North San Pedro Road, San Rafael, on the second floor.
Register for the class here.
Please email Heidi Paul with any questions.
Exploring Judaism
Drawn from the Miller Introduction to Judaism curriculum from American Jewish University, this 18-week course with the Kol Shofar Clergy is a great opportunity for those who want to begin learning about Judaism, as well as those who are seeking to deepen their learning. This is also the course for anyone considering choosing Judaism as their spiritual path and home. It covers biblical and rabbinic texts, history and culture, holy days, festivals, Shabbat, Jewish concepts of God and ethics, life cycle, dietary laws and Israel. Students who wish to take a single class by topic may do so. The first 30-minutes of the course is dedicated to learning to read Hebrew, while topical learning begins at 10:00 AM.
Dates: Sundays, Sept. 22, 2024 to March 23, 2025
Time: 9:30am for Hebrew portion or 10am for the regular class
Place: Kol Shofar, 215 Blackfield Drive, Tiburon
Cost: $275 18-week series or drop-in $20 per class for the community.
Register here
Exploring Judaism
This course is a year-long exploration of the history, beliefs, traditions, and practices of the Jewish people. Exploring Judaism will be interesting and meaningful whether you are becoming an adult Bar/Bat Mitzvah, you are just beginning to explore Jewish studies, you are considering choosing Judaism, you are in an interfaith relationship, or you are simply looking for a deeper and more mature understanding of Jewish history and tradition. Students are encouraged to expand their Jewish literacy by taking this course in conjunction with Beginning Hebrew.
Books for the course will be announced; please note that books are not included in the price for the course.
Dates: Starting Sunday, September 22
Year-long Course (21 sessions): Sundays, Sept 22, 29, Oct 6, 20, 27, Nov 3, 10, 17, Dec 8, 15, Jan 12, 26, Feb 2, 9, 23, Mar 2, 9, 23, Apr 20, 27, May 4
Time: 11:30am-12:30pm
Place: Temple Isaiah, 925 Risa Rd., Lafayette (in the Room 206 in the adjoining school building; call for more details 925-283-8575)
To register go here and click on “Exploring Judaism”. Then you’ll have to sign up for the website to get in. Or just call.
Introduction to Judaism
Temple Sinai in Oakland and Temple Beth El in Berkeley are joining together to offer Introduction to Judaism beginning in October 2024. Learn with Beth El and Sinai clergy about the rituals, holidays, beliefs, big questions, and complexities of Judaism in a welcoming and communal environment. This class is open to all: the Jewish adult who wishes to discover or deepen Jewish knowledge, non-Jews with a Jewish partner or just curious to learn more about Judaism, or those considering choosing Judaism. Participants register for each trimester separately and trimesters may be taken in any order.
Dates: starts Wednesday, October 30 and 11/6, 11/13, 11/20, 12/4, 12/11, 12/18, 1/8, 1/15, 1/22, 1/29, 2/5, 2/12
Time: 7:00pm
Place: Temple Sinai, 2808 Summit St., Oakland
Cost of $150/eight-week session. Register here
Please email Rabbi Bressler with questions or to learn more.
Introduction to Judaism
This survey course addresses four questions: How do Jews worship? What holidays do Jews observe? How do Jews approach life cycle events? And what do Jews believe? This course is designed for adults interested in learning about Judaism and is the first step in our Journey to Judaism conversion program.
Dates: 14 sessions on Wednesdays, October 30, 2024 to February 19, 2025
Time: 6:30 to 8pm
Place: Sherith Israel, 2266 California St., San Francisco
Cost: Free for Sherith Israel members. Class fee for nonmembers is $208 per person. Couples are encouraged to attend together. Scholarships available. No one turned away for financial reasons
Register here
Also available –
Miller Introduction to Judaism Program
The Miller Introduction to Judaism Program is an 18-week course broken into three 6 week units. It provides fundamental knowledge, practical skills, and insights into Jewish culture. No matter your age or background, you can join the program to learn about significant topics such as rituals, holidays, Torah, and values. With guidance from a rabbi, each cohort explores the past, present, and future of Judaism.
This course is offered as a Zoom class with a variety of locations and times.
Or a synagogue can use the curriculum and teach it at their own location.
Cost is $475 for an individual and $650 for a couple and you can ask for tuition assistance.
More information here
Beth Sholom at 301 14th Ave., San Francisco is offering The Miller Introduction to Judaism class onsite. HOWEVER, unit 1 is full. Look at details for units 2 and 3 here.
Rabbi Chai Levy of Netivot Shalom at 1316 University Ave, Berkeley, refers people directly to the Miller program and they sign up for an online class.
Online Learning
There are a LOT of online Jewish educational opportunities. Naturally, not all of them are good. Here are some that I trust.
New Lehrhaus
One of you mentioned that Lehrhaus is one of your favorite places to learn. I agree! This program, Building Jewish Bridges, originated at Lehrhaus Judaica as the result of a grant! Lehrhaus was founded by Fred Rosenbaum in 1974. It has morphed into New Lehrhaus and continues to offer stellar adult learning opportunities.
Valley Beit Midrash
Is an educational organization currently run by Rabbi Dr. Shmuly Yanklowitz. Classes typically cost $18.
In person and online classes around the USA. This is the site where I find classes by Rabbi David Kasher. Rabbi Kasher was a the UC Berkeley Hillel rabbi for several years and worked upstairs from me when I was at Lehrhaus Judaica.
My Jewish Learning
This site has a wealth of information AND a newsletter with articles and workshops. Browse around it. I like that they have writers from different streams of Judaism so you get a broader view of Jewish thought and practice.
The Hub from My Jewish Learning
An email listing online classes. The downside is that they are always very short notice. So you have to check it on a day you know you'll be free. Still, there are some fun topics.
This site is Orthodox and offers a traditional view on Judaism. What I like is that it is a good foundational viewpoint on the Parsha and Jewish practice.
This looks like a bare bones site - no pictures or fancy graphics. But it is phenomenal. A vast amount of information carefully spelled out. AND! Each page is ranked as: Gentile, Basic, Intermediate or Advanced. If you're finding a concept difficult then perhaps it is an Advanced page and you need to speak with your rabbi about it.
Send us YOUR suggestions for this list to [email protected]
New Lehrhaus
One of you mentioned that Lehrhaus is one of your favorite places to learn. I agree! This program, Building Jewish Bridges, originated at Lehrhaus Judaica as the result of a grant! Lehrhaus was founded by Fred Rosenbaum in 1974. It has morphed into New Lehrhaus and continues to offer stellar adult learning opportunities.
Valley Beit Midrash
Is an educational organization currently run by Rabbi Dr. Shmuly Yanklowitz. Classes typically cost $18.
In person and online classes around the USA. This is the site where I find classes by Rabbi David Kasher. Rabbi Kasher was a the UC Berkeley Hillel rabbi for several years and worked upstairs from me when I was at Lehrhaus Judaica.
My Jewish Learning
This site has a wealth of information AND a newsletter with articles and workshops. Browse around it. I like that they have writers from different streams of Judaism so you get a broader view of Jewish thought and practice.
The Hub from My Jewish Learning
An email listing online classes. The downside is that they are always very short notice. So you have to check it on a day you know you'll be free. Still, there are some fun topics.
This site is Orthodox and offers a traditional view on Judaism. What I like is that it is a good foundational viewpoint on the Parsha and Jewish practice.
This looks like a bare bones site - no pictures or fancy graphics. But it is phenomenal. A vast amount of information carefully spelled out. AND! Each page is ranked as: Gentile, Basic, Intermediate or Advanced. If you're finding a concept difficult then perhaps it is an Advanced page and you need to speak with your rabbi about it.
Send us YOUR suggestions for this list to [email protected]
Some Current Activities Around the Bay
Accessible Sinai Green Havdalah Hike
Join Sinai Green for an accessible Havdalah Hike. We’ll meet at Redwood Regional Park (see Google map showing starting point) and then follow the paved path through the trees to get to a picnic area for a short musical service followed by potluck snacks. (Please bring food or drink to share if you are able.)
Please register so we can meet your needs and plan appropriately. Your email address helps us contact you in case we need to cancel or provide any additional information.
Dates: Saturday, September 21, October 19 at 5:00pm
Time: 5:30pm
Place: Reinhardt Redwood Regional Park
Host: Temple Sinai, 2808 Summit St., Oakland
Register here
Tot Shabbat
The best family friendly Shabbat experience in Alameda for families with children ages 5 and under!
Music! Puppets! Stories! Holidays!
Dates: Sept. 14, Dec. 14, Feb. 8, 2025, March 8, 2025 and April 12, 2025
Time: 10:30am
Place: Temple Israel Courtyard, 3181 Mecartney Rd., Alameda
Questions: [email protected]
Shabbat Musical Guest Eliana Light
We’re excited to host musician and educator Eliana Light and include some of her sweet, soulful melodies in our Erev Shabbat service.
Eliana is on tour for the month of Elul, singing and learning with 15+ communities around the country to prepare our minds and hearts for the High Holy Days. She’ll share her passion for prayer and unique “t’fillahsophy” with us through word and song.
Learn more about her work and music at www.elianalight.com
Date: Friday, Sept 20
Time: 6:30 pm
Place: Peninsula Temple Beth El, 1700 Alameda de las Pulgas, San Mateo
Questions? Contact Cantor Elana
S’lichot: Forgiveness & Self-Forgiveness
Join us for an introspective program preceding our S’lichot service. Kendra Fried, Founder of Neshamah Yoga & Wellness, is a somatic spiritual wellness practitioner who will lead you on a journey inward in preparation for S’lichot and the High Holy Days. Explore spiritual practices that will help you mindfully and meaningfully enter the most holy time of the year. Participants will also learn practices that they can use on their own through the Days of Awe. A reception at 8pm will be followed by a meaning-filled service in our darkened, candle-lit Sanctuary at 8:30pm.
Date: Saturday, September 28
Time: 7pm
Place: Temple Isaiah, 945 Risa Rd, Lafayette AND onYouTube
Questions? Contact the Temple Isaiah office at (925) 283-8575
Accessible Sinai Green Havdalah Hike
Join Sinai Green for an accessible Havdalah Hike. We’ll meet at Redwood Regional Park (see Google map showing starting point) and then follow the paved path through the trees to get to a picnic area for a short musical service followed by potluck snacks. (Please bring food or drink to share if you are able.)
Please register so we can meet your needs and plan appropriately. Your email address helps us contact you in case we need to cancel or provide any additional information.
Dates: Saturday, September 21, October 19 at 5:00pm
Time: 5:30pm
Place: Reinhardt Redwood Regional Park
Host: Temple Sinai, 2808 Summit St., Oakland
Register here
Tot Shabbat
The best family friendly Shabbat experience in Alameda for families with children ages 5 and under!
Music! Puppets! Stories! Holidays!
Dates: Sept. 14, Dec. 14, Feb. 8, 2025, March 8, 2025 and April 12, 2025
Time: 10:30am
Place: Temple Israel Courtyard, 3181 Mecartney Rd., Alameda
Questions: [email protected]
Shabbat Musical Guest Eliana Light
We’re excited to host musician and educator Eliana Light and include some of her sweet, soulful melodies in our Erev Shabbat service.
Eliana is on tour for the month of Elul, singing and learning with 15+ communities around the country to prepare our minds and hearts for the High Holy Days. She’ll share her passion for prayer and unique “t’fillahsophy” with us through word and song.
Learn more about her work and music at www.elianalight.com
Date: Friday, Sept 20
Time: 6:30 pm
Place: Peninsula Temple Beth El, 1700 Alameda de las Pulgas, San Mateo
Questions? Contact Cantor Elana
S’lichot: Forgiveness & Self-Forgiveness
Join us for an introspective program preceding our S’lichot service. Kendra Fried, Founder of Neshamah Yoga & Wellness, is a somatic spiritual wellness practitioner who will lead you on a journey inward in preparation for S’lichot and the High Holy Days. Explore spiritual practices that will help you mindfully and meaningfully enter the most holy time of the year. Participants will also learn practices that they can use on their own through the Days of Awe. A reception at 8pm will be followed by a meaning-filled service in our darkened, candle-lit Sanctuary at 8:30pm.
Date: Saturday, September 28
Time: 7pm
Place: Temple Isaiah, 945 Risa Rd, Lafayette AND onYouTube
Questions? Contact the Temple Isaiah office at (925) 283-8575
Basic Judaism classes - Fall 2024 - coming soon!
Got a baby?
Get support from the Bay Area's Jewish Baby Network
Connect Today!
The JBN Newsletter says, "We would love for you and your family to become part of the Jewish Baby Network community. Please let us know a little bit about you so we can help you connect to other families and resources near you.
Our programs are designed for families with children aged 0 – 36 months. We welcome everyone, including non-affiliated, interfaith, multi-ethnic, single parent, and LGBTQ families.
Find your region here"
This is a lovely group; I encourage you to get in touch.