Let's address what is going on in that very land to which Moses took us: Israel.
Throughout the USA, Jews have been angered, distressed and horrified by the actions of the new rightwing government. One after another synagogues have been gathering members to discuss the situation and what American Jews can do to retain Israel’s democracy. I listened to an excellent teaching by Fred Rosenbaum (offered through Under One Tent out of the Contra Costa JCC). I feel better informed. I have worried that Israel will take after America and the MAGA movement. I feel clearer about what I personally can do. Have a look yourself if you like. Here’s the link.
Our local Bay Area Jewish newspaper, the J-Weekly has covered a number of stories about the protests of American Jews and Israelis against the right wing government in Israel.
I enjoyed this speech by an American rabbi, Rabbi Sharon Brous of Ikar on a trip to Israel, stating that we American Jews stand with our Israeli brothers and sisters in their struggle to hold onto their democracy.
Having lived through four years of Trump and MAGA I am praying for both Israel and America. I believe in Democracy – with all the checks and balances.
Israel is the homeland of the Jews - all Jews. Just like family, we may be angry or upset with our loved ones, but they are still our family.